REGULATION of the Open All-Ukrainian Festival-Competition of Young Violinists “Maestro dell’Arco”



1. General regulations


1.1.  The Open All-Ukrainian Festival-Competition of Young Violinists “Maestro dell’Arco” (hereinafter – the Festival-Competition) is held with the aim of wide popularization and promotion of further development of musical art of Ukraine, improvement of  professional performing skills, implementation of  national musical art in the European context; international cooperation and promotion of artistic achievements of  musical art of  Ukraine through their integration into the world cultural space; uniting the creative intelligentsia, young musicians, strengthening professional ties with the international cultural environment to create a positive image and comprehensive support for Ukraine in the world.

1.2.     The main objectives of the Festival-Competition are:

–  popularization of musical art of Ukraine;

–  further promotion of musical culture of  Ukraine and promotion of  national classical music in the world;

–  aesthetic and spiritual education of  young people on the best achievements of world and Ukrainian musical art, formation of the creative elite of  Ukraine;

–  identification, support and assistance in realizing the creative potential of the most gifted young performers;

–  improvement of the performing culture of the younger generation of  Ukrainian musicians, education of competitiveness on the world academic stage;

– expanding the range of cooperation with the world art community and strengthening creative contacts for the further development of all-Ukrainian artistic and creative potential in the future;

–  formation of  the personnel reserve of highly professional specialists-musicians;

–  affirmation of the extraordinary role of classical musical art in the formation of  a modern performer and the promotion of the values of a democratic civilized world.

  1. Founders and organizers of the Festival-Competition


2.1.  The founders and organizers of the Festival-Competition (hereinafter – the Organizers) are:


– Theater and entertainment cultural institution “Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater” (hereinafter – the National Operetta of Ukraine);

– Charitable organization “Miserere” Charitable Foundation” (hereinafter –                               CF “Miserere”).


2.2.  The organization for the preparation and holding of the Festival-Competition is carried out by the Art and Concert Center named after I. S. Kozlovsky TECI “Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theater” (hereinafter – the Kozlovsky ACC).


2.3.  Preparation and holding of the Festival-Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee. The organization of the Festival-Competition may involve state-owned enterprises, cultural institutions and other organizations or bodies of state and local authorities, as well as international organizations, including foreign ones.


2.4.  State-owned enterprises, cultural institutions and other organizations or bodies of state and local authorities, as well as international organizations, including foreign ones, may provide organizational, financial and any other support to the Festival-Competition.


  1. 3. Organizing Committee of the Festival-Competition


3.1.   In order to prepare and conduct the Festival-Competition, an Organizing Committee (hereinafter – the Organizing Committee) is formed, the composition of which is approved by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, determined by the Organizers of the Festival-Competition.


3.2.     The responsibility of the Organizing Committee includes:


–  definition of the general creative concept of the Festival-Competition;

–  determination of the place and approval of the terms of its holding;

– determination and submission for approval to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the jury of the Festival-Competition (hereinafter – the Jury), the conditions of holding and the program of the Festival-Competition;

– drawing up a schedule of the Festival-Competition, development of samples of information and advertising products, diplomas, certificates, etc.;

– making changes to the conditions and program of the Festival-Competition (if necessary);

– conducting an advertising campaign;

– collection of applications from participants and their transfer to the Jury of the Festival-Competition;

– organization of media coverage of concert, art and other events that take place within the framework of the Festival-Competition;

– performing other functions to ensure the holding of the Festival-Competition, not prohibited by the current legislation of  Ukraine.


3.3. If necessary, on the proposal of the Organizing Committee, the Organizers may make changes to the Regulations on the Open All-Ukrainian Festival-Competition of Young Violinists “Maestro dell’Arco” in accordance with the established procedure.


3.4.   Members of the Organizing Committee work on a voluntary basis.


  1. Jury of the Festival-Competition


4.1. The Organizing Committee selects the personal composition of the Jury in the amount of  5–7 persons, which involves prominent figures of musical art of Ukraine (with their consent) and foreign countries.


4.2.  The personal composition and chairman of the Jury are approved by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.


4.3. Depending on the results achieved by the participants of the Festival-Competition, the Jury has the right to:

–  to award not all laureate degrees;

–  to divide the laurels among the participants (except for the Grand Prix and the first stages);

– award additionally the second or third degree, unless the first or second degree is awarded respectively;

– award special diplomas;

–   celebrate the best teachers and concertmasters;

–  reduce programs or suspend competitive performances of participants, subject to the consent of all members of the Jury;

– make decisions if at least 3 members of the Jury are present at its meeting.


4.4.  Decisions are made by a simple majority of the votes of the Jury members present at the meeting. In all uncertain situations, the decisive vote belongs to the Chairman of the Jury.


4.5. The officially announced decisions of the Jury are final, they are not subject to discussion, revision or appeal.


4.6.   Diplomas are signed by the chairman and all members of the Jury.


  1. 5. Participants of the Festival-Competition


5.1.  In the Festival-Competition can take part violinists – citizens of Ukraine and other countries, aged from 15 to 25 years inclusive, who accept the proposed conditions of the Festival-Competition.


5.2. The Festival-Competition is held in the nomination “Solo Performance” in 2 age categories:


І age category – from 15 to 18 years old;

ІІ age category – from 19 to 25 years old.


5.3. The age of the participants of the Festival-Competition is taken into account on the day of the start of accepting applications for participation in the Festival-Competition.


  1. 6. Place and time of the Festival-Competition


6.1.    The Festival-Competition will be held in Kyiv once every two years, in June, in two rounds.


6.2. The first round of the Festival-Competition is held remotely (online): the video recordings of the participants will be considered and the Jury will be selected for the second round of the Festival-Competition.


6.3. The second round of the Festival-Сompetition will be held in a mixed form (offline/online) on the basis of  the Kozlovsky ACC at the address:  Khreshchatyk Str., 50-B, Kyiv.


  1. 7. Conditions of the Festival-Сompetition


7.1.    Participation in the Festival-Competition is free of charge.


7.2.   Participants of the Festival-Competition are provided with accommodation and 2 meals a day.


7.3.    Each foreign participant is obliged to declare his/her musical instrument upon entry into the Ukraine.  If the participant plays a rented instrument of high value, he must have an appropriate document confirming the right to use it.


7.4.   For participation in the Festival-Competition,  necessary to send an application in electronic form, completed in accordance with the established Regulations of the sample (Appendix 1), in text format (DOC, DOCX) to the e-mail address of the Organizing Committee: no later than 1 day before the start of the first round.


7.5.   From each participant of the Festival-Competition, the application is sent by a separate letter (file) marked “To the Festival-Competition of violinists”. The subject line of the letter (file) should indicate the full name and country of the participant of the Festival-Competition.


7.6.    A package of documents must be attached to the application:

1)  an application in electronic form, completed in accordance with the sample established by the Regulations (Appendix 1);

2)  one colour photo of the participant 10×15 cm (portrait) in electronic form in graphic format (JPEG, JPG) of proper quality;

3)   a photocopy of the page of the participant’s passport, certifying his age;

4)  a photocopy of the diploma of musical education or a certificate from the place of study/work;

5) a brief creative biography of the participant (summary) in text format (DOC, DOCX) (Appendix 2);

6) photocopies of laureate diplomas of other art competitions (if any);

7) scanned copies of musical notation of contest works in PDF-format;

8) video recording of a participant’s performance of a piece of music or a link to a video uploaded to a Youtube channel.


7.7.  The application must be completed in Ukrainian or English.


7.8.  Applications for participation in the Festival-Competition, which were sent at the wrong time, filled out not according to the established model or without a full package of documents, are not considered.


7.9.   During the Festival-Competition, the processing of personal data of its participants is carried out taking into account the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”.


7.10.  The Organizing Committee reserves the right to publish the performances of participants on the Internet.


7.11.  The Organizing Committee has the right to use the information materials sent by the participants (except for passport data) to provide them to the mass media.


  1. 8. Competitive requirements of the Festival-Сompetition


8.1.   The program of the Festival-Сompetition consists of two rounds (qualifying and final) and the final gala concert of the winners.


8.2.  2 (two) musical works are accepted for participation in the first round of the Festival-Competition:


I age category –


1) J. S. Bach. Two different parts of the sonata or partita for the violin solo or fantasy of G. F. Teleman;

2) a virtuoso play or caprice of the participant’s choice;

(duration – up to 20 minutes);


II age category –


1) two contrasting parts of the sonata or partita for the violin solo by J. S. Bach;

2) V. A. Mozart. Concert (optional, one part with cadence);

(duration – up to 20 minutes).


8.3.   Technical requirements for recording video material:

1) the video recording must be created no earlier than 6 months before the date of submission of the application for the Festival-Competition. The link to the video file must be signed (full name of the participant of the Festival-Competition, country);

2) videos from concerts or other art competitions are not allowed;

3) video editing is not allowed, except in cases of multi-camera shooting of the performance, video shooting must be performed without stopping and installing the video material on a fixed camera in the natural acoustics of the room. Video recording must be of high quality;

4) during the performance of the work, the figure of the performer must be clearly visible on the video;

5) videos are allowed in horizontal screen format;

6) any sound edition is prohibited;

7) only live performance is allowed, possibly accompanied by a piano.

8) the video is submitted only as a link to the video on the YouTube platform and the video settings must be saved without restrictions on access and storage time;

9) The Jury reserves the right to disqualify the participant of the Festival-Competition due to violation of the specified requirements.


8.4.   No more than 6 participants of each category who have been selected in the first round take part in the second round.


8.5. In the second round participants of  I and II age categories perform musical works:


1)  a concert by a Western European author to choose from (one part with a cadence);


2) a play by an Ukrainian composer (whose scores will be sent to all participants of the Festival-Competition)

(duration – 20 min.).


8.6.  If necessary, the Organizing Committee shall provide the participant of the second round of the Festival-Сompetition with a qualified concertmaster on the basis of an application submitted by the participant along with a package of documents.


8.7.  Participants who have passed to the second round of the Festival-Сompetition, within the time limits specified by the Regulations, must send scanned copies of musical materials of works that they will perform in the second round, in PDF format (for review by the concertmaster of the Festival-Сompetition) to the e-mail address of the Organizing Committee: and must have with them musical materials of their performances.


8.8.    If necessary, the Organizing Committee provides participants who passed in the second round with time for rehearsals with a guest concertmaster on the stage of the  Kozlovsky ACC lasting up to 20 minutes before the second round of the Festival-Сompetition.


8.9. All works in the second round are performed by heart.


8.10.   For the performances of the participants, it is mandatory to comply with the dress code: for the participants of the Festival-Сompetition – evening concert clothes (tailcoat, tuxedo or dark suit with a bow-tie), for participants – an evening concert dress.


8.11. Participants of the first round receive certificates of the participation from the Organizers of the Festival-Competition.


8.12.  Participants of the second round are awarded diplomas of the laureates of the Festival-Competition.


8.13. The Organizing Committee emphasizes that the laureates  are obliged to take part in the gala-concert on the conditions and terms determined by the Organizing Committee.


  1. 9. The procedure for holding the Festival-Сompetition


9.1.   The first round of the Festival-Сompetition is held remotely in the format of online listening to works sent by its participants.


9.2.   The Jury will consider the applications of participants who will meet all the requirements and sent with a full package of documents within the time limits determined by the procedure for holding the Festival-Competition.


9.3. The results of the first round of the Festival-Competition will be published on the official websites of the Kyiv National Operetta (on the page of the Festival-Competition) and CF “Misererere”

and in social networks:


– during 5 days after the first round of the Festival-Competition.


9.4.   Participants who, based on the results of the online audition, will be sent a notification letter from the Organizing Committee to the personal e-mail address specified by the participant of the Festival-Сompetition in the application submitted by him/her.


9.5.   The order of competitive performances in the second round will be determined by the order of dates of receipt of applications for participation in the Festival-Сompetition from each participant.


9.6.  The second round of the Festival-Сompetition will take place in a mixed format: online performances – for participants who will participate remotely (from abroad), offline (public singing) – for participants who will perform on the stage of the Kozlovsky ACC (Khreshchatyk Str., 50-B, Kyiv).


9.7.   The results of the second round are published on the official websites and social networks specified in clause  9.3. of this Regulation, during 1 day after the second round of the Festival-Competition.


9.8.    It is not allowed in the second round to perform of works that were submitted to the Jury in the first round of the Festival-Competition.


9.9.   Based on the results of the second round, the Jury will select the winners of the Festival-Competition.


  1. 10.  Determination of the winners of the Festival-Сompetition


10.1.   The performances of the participants in the second round of the Festival-Competition are evaluated by the Jury according to an 18-point system.


10.2.  Evaluation criteria:


–  the level of technical perfection of performance and sound culture;


–  possession of the instrument;


–  purity of intonation and musical structure;


–  the complexity of the work;


–  musicality, artistry;


–  artistic interpretation of a piece of music.



10.3.  The decision of the Jury to determine the winners of the Festival-Competition is drawn up by a protocol signed by all members of the Jury.


10.4.     According  to the decision of the Jury, the winners of the Festival-Competition are determined by the participants of the II round of the Festival-Competition, who scored the largest number of points in each age category and receive:


–      Grand Prix with a diploma, memorable souvenirs from the sponsors of the Festival-Competition and the opportunity to take part in the final gala-concert and perform on the stage of the Kiev National Academic Operetta Theater;


–  the title of Lavreats of the first degree with the presentation of diplomas, souvenirs from the sponsors of the Festival-Competition and the opportunity to take part in the final gala-concert;


–  the title of Lavreats of the II degree with the presentation of diplomas, souvenirs from the sponsors of the Festival-Competition and the opportunity to take part in the final gala-concert;


–  the title of Lavreats of the III degree with the presentation of diplomas, memorable souvenirs from the sponsors of the Festival-Сompetition and the opportunity to take part in the final gala-concert;


–  title of  Diploma holders with diplomas.


10.5.   Public, music, charitable organizations or sponsors of the Festival-Competition, as well as individual prominent cultural figures may establish at their own expense special prizes and cash prizes to participants. Awarding them must be agreed with the Organizing Committee and the Jury.


  1. Galaconcert and awarding of the winners of the Festival-Сompetition


11.1.  The Festival-Competition ends with a gala-concert, which is attended by the winners of the second round and members of the Jury.


11.2.  The gala-concert will take place with the participation of the orchestra.


11.3.  During the gala-concert, the results of the Festival-Competition are announced and a solemn ceremony of awarding its winners is held.


  1.                      12. Financial support of the Festival-Competition


12.1.  The Festival-Competition is a non-profit event, the entrance fee for participation in the Festival-competition is not provided.


12.2.  Financing of expenses related to the organization and holding of the Festival-Competition is provided by its Organizers.


12.3.   Expenses related to the travel of participants who are residents of Ukraine are carried out at the expense of the organizations that send them, at the own expense of the participants or in another way not prohibited by the current legislation of  Ukraine.


12.4.  Transfer on the territory of Ukraine for participants who are not residents of Ukraine is carried out at the expense of the Organizers of the Festival-Competition.


12.5.  In the case of a performance with his/her concertmaster, all expenses for his/her travel, accommodation and meals shall be borne by the participant or otherwise carried out in a manner not prohibited by the current legislation of  Ukraine.


12.6.  Expenses related to the activities of the Jury members as professional arbitrators shall be borne by the Organizers of the Festival-Competition.


12.7.  Organizations, charitable contributions, sponsorship and other sources and receipts that are not prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine may be involved in the preparation and holding of the Festival-Competition.


  1. 13.Sponsors of the Festival-Competition


13.1.   Sponsors of the Festival-Competition can be any individuals and legal entities, enterprises, institutions, organizations or bodies of state and local authorities, as well as international organizations that provide financial and material support to its organization and conduct.

  1. Final provisions


14.1.    Consultations on the organization and procedure of the Festival-Competition and other additional information can be received by phone:

+ 380 (044) 235 75 18, (096) 291 83 89 or at the address:  Khreshchatyk Str., 50-B,  Kyiv (the Kozlovsky ACC).


14.2.   Within the framework of the Festival-Competition, it may be envisaged to hold master classes of the Jury members, the work of creative laboratories, other events in accordance with the specifics of the Festival-Competition, as well as excursion services for its participants.


14.3.    In case of  force majeure – actions of force majeure circumstances independent of the Organizing Committee (due to martial law in Ukraine, etc.), the place and time of the tours of the Festival-Competition may be changed. In case of changing the place and time of the Festival-Competition, the updated information will be published on:


–   the official website of the Kyiv National Operetta  (on the page of the Festival-Competition);

–   the official website of the CF “Miserere”

and on social media:
